How to Takeover an Unmanaged Directory in Azure

When trying to create an Azure subscription I received the following error:

This tenant is viral. If you are an IT admin, you can take over the directory.
This tenant is viral. If you are an IT admin, you can take over the directory.

After some reading a viral tenant is another meaning for an unmanaged directory. An unmanaged directory is a directory that was automatically created when a user with created an Azure account. Its a directory that has no global administrator. Microsoft created a Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant in the background and is sitting there unmanaged. This is so users can create an account and use resources without it being a blocker that the domain isn’t claimed in AAD.

There are two ways to take over an unmanaged directory:

  • Internal admin takeover:
    • Your account gets elevated to global administrator
    • No users, domains, or service plans are migrated
  • External Admin Takeover:
    • Add the unmanaged domain name to a tenant where you are a Global Administrator
    • A mapping of users to resources is created in your managed Azure Active Directory
      • Users can continue to access services without interruption

Source: Admin takeover of an unmanaged directory – Azure AD | Microsoft Docs

For my example I will be using a internal admin takeover.

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